28 June – 03 July, Marathon, Greece
The GSO4SCHOOL Summer Schools include activities that will support the participants in the implementation of GSO4SCHOOL Initiative in their countries and beyond. These participants will work during the next year for the pilots of the project.
GSO4SCHOOL summer school elaborates a methodology that regards teachers as agents of change. It aims to empower their profession with skills and competencies that will enable them to widen their teaching capabilities by incorporating creativity and art in science education. The scope is to motivate participants to become aware of specific opportunities in their own practice and the need to make necessary improvements aligned to the guidelines of Europe for the future of science education. More specifically:
- Understanding of specific best practices, through training and demonstration of them in authentic settings
- Participation in numerous activities and training on the project’s methodology of employing Creative Science Agents
- Review and training on the utilization of the (web) tools of the project
Afterwards, participants will elaborate activities in schools by utilizing the project’s elements and with students, they will be able to develop their own projects.
Who can participate
The Summer School is open to all motivated teachers, researchers, artists and science communicators. The Summer School will increase the skills and competences to those that are interested to work in a transdisciplinary science-arts approach in education.